Vagus Cranial Nerve
Our nervous system is our control centre effected by our environment past and present. The Vagus nerve in particular regulates our digestion, heart rate, respiration, smooth muscle activity in blood and lymph, reflex actions such as coughing, sneezing etc. our inflammatory and immune function as well as being a key player in mood and anxiety disorders.
Exercises for office workers
Office workers and anyone with neck, shoulder and Thoracic Pain from leaning over. When we lean over all the time, pain is felt in the shoulders and neck because the muscles are over-stretched and weak fighting against gravity to hold you upright. It does feel nice to have it massaged to help temporarily relieve myofascial pain, but strengthening the back muscles would be more beneficial.
The Psoas Muscle
The Psoas is on the kidney meridian, when dehydrated it effects the efficiency of the muscle. Keep hydrated and keep moving for happy, healthy vitality