Exercises for office workers

Office workers and anyone with neck, shoulder and Thoracic Pain from leaning over. When we lean over all the time, pain is felt in the shoulders and neck because the muscles are over-stretched and weak fighting against gravity to hold you upright. It does feel nice to have it massaged to help temporarily relieve myofascial pain, but strengthening the back muscles would be more beneficial. It is the muscles in the front of your body that have shortened causing breathing restrictions, digestion and TMJ problems as well as low moods that we need to work with in clinic, to get you feeling amazing again!! Here are my favourite starter example exercises for Kyphosis, rounded shoulders and upper cross syndrome posture pain.

pics 3-5.... YTWL exercises, using a weight in each hand for healthy shoulders & to strengthen the traps.

pics 6-9...pec stretches targeting different fibres. Chin tuck for neck strength and function.

10-11. ..cat/cow, Thread the needle and wide child’s pose thoracic stretches. Longitudinal spine stretch with knees roll outs.

12-13Foam rolling, the thoracic spine, foam rolling Serratus Anterior, restorative thoracic stretch.

These will allow some time spent in the opposite posture to your daily leaning over, support tissue hydration and mobility.


Vagus Cranial Nerve


The Psoas Muscle