The Psoas Muscle

The Psoas muscle...a primary muscle connecting your torso to your legs. It is involved in most activities from getting out of bed in the mornings to running, dancing and surfing. These hip flexor muscles have both slow and fast twitch fibres, which enable many activities as well as supporting your posture and spine. When weak, many other surrounding muscles and tissues have to jump in to compensate, causing poor posture, overuse of surrounding muscles and pain in both the pelvis and back. They are the deepest muscles of the core and on dissection they lie deep under the small intestines. Movement from the Psoas when bending forwards, climbing stairs etc also massages and nourishes your internal organs with lymph and blood in a pumping action. The Psoas is connected fascially to the when we become frightened and fearful it effects the Psoas. Breath-work and trauma release can help with this. The Psoas is on the kidney meridian, when dehydrated it effects the efficiency of the muscle. Keep hydrated and keep moving for happy, healthy vitality

A nice stretch for people who suffer with a compressed lower spine, exaggerated lower back curve (lordosis) and it feels great!!

The Psoas is myofascially connected to the diaphragm, kidneys, adrenal glands and celiac plexus and connects the top and bottom half of the body together.

It supports your your bodily functions and plays a important role in gut reaction.


Exercises for office workers


Hot Stones treatment for Acute and Chronic Injuries