Client centered Treatment

Client centred approach, means working with clients to manage expectations, joint goals and intentions, empowering clients to make lifestyle changes to self-heal.

The consultation process allows a space to manage expectations and to ask for a commitment of lifestyle changes outside of the clinic to facilitate long term positive change.

As a therapist, understanding how emotional stressors and tension will impact the healing process, as well as the treatment holding long-term is paramount! My personal view is that the emotion often causes the pain or mis-ailment and until that is resolved it is not going away.

I work with clients to manage emotions and life stress by signposting to relevant professionals as well as offering my tried and tested techniques to reduce stress and anxiety to support the treatment on the couch.

Bodywork sets the environment for healing, it does not fix people!! Support, lifestyle changes and time are all healing parts of the process.

I aim to empower people to self-heal and be supportive! I offer empathy, kindness and encouragement, with praise for every small step in the healing journey..


Stomach work makes big gains


Fascia lays down to hold you in the position you spend the most time in.