Stomach work makes big gains

Gentle work on the stomach will make big gains in your treatment. Soft tissue pain is often due to a struggling lymphatic system.

When lymphatic fluid becomes stagnant and toxic, pain and illness manifests. The stomach and abdomen houses large amounts of lymphatic tissue, massage, body brushing, MFR work, cupping and hot stones can support your overall treatment!

The Lymphatic system is the secondary circulatory system that covers your entire body. This hugely important system, is responsible for picking up interstitial fluid from the circulatory system, filters the fluid from harmful toxins and regulates fluid levels. It also produces white blood cells that fight infection and disease-causing microorganisms as well as transporting fats. It operates by muscles pumping lymph back to lymph nodes to be cleaned and checked for any toxins within the body. The Lymph is Tiny thin-walled vessels that are closed at one end and are in the spaces between cells throughout the body Lymphatic vessels. The thin walled valve structures carry the lymph alongside the veins.

Approximately 600 of the lymph nodes are scattered around the body and are where the lymph fluid enters and leaves the lymph vessels. The function of lymph nodes is to filter cell debris. Lymph is a straw coloured, watery plasma picked up from the circulatory system. When the pressure builds up in the blood capillaries certain amounts spill over and the lymph system picks this up (approx. 3 litres per day) to clean and recycle back into the circulatory system.


Bodywork to relieve myofascial pain.


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