Nothing but my thoughts, beliefs and working experiences
Our bodies are fluid, always changing, according to the thoughts we think and the world we experience. Our cells are always listening to our thoughts.
Cells make up organs and tissues, they die and renew in varying cycles. When we think thoughts of feeling unsafe, have worries and concerns our cells respond and hold tension to keep us safe, it will always try to be energy efficient and use compensation patterns, rather than use weak muscles.
If we feel off balance, unable to make decisions, feel stuck, or emotionally distressed our bodies mirror this via the nervous system, making associated muscles and organs weak or hold to much tension (hypertonic). When we dislike parts of our body, we immobilise them. The nervous system grants movement, often (myself included) therapists ask individuals to strengthen these muscles, which is a positive behaviour but it is also important to ask questions, to work with yourself, to be curious as too the cause, to look at where we are in our minds, our thoughts and feelings and work through them with self-compassion. Clients with hypertonic muscles can support themselves with muscle energy techniques and mobility exercises.
As a therapist it is a risk to delve into emotions when people may not be ready. I have taken a very long time to learn that the less is more approach as a therapist - allowing clients to come for several sessions to slowly work through pain, rather than throwing everything at a person to try and fix them, only to do too much too soon. But It is also a tough call, to balance expectations, value for money and knowing what would be kinder to the client in the long run. Tension is often needed whilst individuals get through a difficult period in their lives, we all have commitments and responsibilities we can’t just walk away from and sometimes we just have to get our heads down and push through, implementing small daily positive actions over time will lead to positive gains. There is an element of keeping clients safe during that period and applying a standard therapy session which relieves some of the tension, knowing that we are fluid and always changing according to circumstances, thus meaning that when life settles and we become more balanced, the tension goes with it.
Moving into more controversial grounds, many health care professionals believe there is no such thing as an accident…and therefore injuries and illness are also the consequence of our thought processes e.g., we are constantly saying we are tiered of the rat race and need a break, or I can’t keep working like this etc, then suddenly we break our ankle and we are forced to take time off. I’m not sure where I sit with this one, as its hugely complex and whilst I can see it is the case for some people, other cases don’t appear to fit this school of thought and i’m not comfortable with people feeling like all life circumstances are their fault!
I do believe we have the power to heal our bodies and find it disheartening when individuals say they have been told they just have to live with pain and illness, there are so many stories where people have healed themselves from near death experiences against all odds. Our cells die and renew all the time, if we focus healing past wounds, and practice self-care with our thoughts and actions, our new cells will be healthy and therefore so will we! even if it takes years with small steps, healing is never linear, the journey may be bumpy, with two steps forward and five steps back at times, but it is possible!!!.
Be kind to your body, no matter what shape size, disability, health condition or injury. Your body is incredible, it allows you to have loving relationships, listen to music, move, create, and enjoy nature and so much more.
My favourite bodywork quotes from mentors.
Some favourite brain / perception quotes